Fighting Hermit Crabs


Active Member
Time out??? Can't stop it without removing the offender or just letting it go to see if it stops.


get the song from cable guy/star trek fight , then see who wins......................FIGHT TO THE DEATH.


Active Member
Do you have empty shells around that are larger than what these guys are currently housed in? They are fighting for each others shells is my guess.


Active Member
Originally Posted by SpiderWoman
Do you have empty shells around that are larger than what these guys are currently housed in? They are fighting for each others shells is my guess.
Agreed. Mine have killed so many of my snails that I am just going to start slowly removing the larger crabs. They are breeding also, so now I have tons of blue legged hermits popping up everywhere.

aztec reef

Active Member
Typical hermit egos.
Blue legs are notorious for this.
As mentioned, keep available shells and food source(detrius).