Fighting Ich


Active Member
I have a pretty decent Ich outbreak in my tank. Let me give you the low down on how it occurred. My apartment complex was having electrical work done and of course I live in Vegas so the temp is hot. Well. They killed my power at 1pm and it returned at 6pm maybe a little earlier. Anyways, my tank jumped 8 degrees in that small time and my Coral Beauty Angelfish didn't like it at all. He now had about 30 white spots on fins and face. Heres the rundown.
Coral Beauty Angel: Infected - ~30 spots
2 False Percula Clownfish - Infected - ~ 1-2 spots each
Purple Firefish: No Signs of Infection
Sixline Wrasse: Infected - ~ 1-2 spots
Mandarin Dragonet - No Signs of Infection
Royal Dottyback - Infected ~ 1-2 spots
That was 3 days ago.
I turned off my Protein Skimmer and began a reef safe treatment routine & Zoe meal soaks, also got the temp back to normal and steady. The good news is they never lost appetite and I was able to start treatment less than an hour after i noticed them.
Now the CBA has about 10 spots on him all on fins. 1 clown has 1 spot still. Everyone else seems disease free. All continue to eat well and are active swimmers.
My corals, Orange Zoos, Xenia, GSP all open and close every day and seem to be healthy. I noticed 2 new Zoos yesterday before night, and The Xenia is about 1/2 taller than they were a few days ago. So they seem healthy.
Any tips on continued treatment. The all natural solution im using says to use for 10 days, came with a book with day by day picture examples and my treatments seem to be following in line with the examples.
I have not had my protein skimmer on in the last 3 days should I leave it off until treatment is complete, or should I turn it on a few hours after dosing?
Should I reduce the lighting cycle, does that help?
Ive been told to increase feeding to help improve fish stamina and immune system while fighting the disease, true?
My main worry is about the protein skimmer and Water Quality without it running, currently I use only the bio filter process with refuge/sump design.
I know this was a long post but thanks in advance.


I don't think you would want to use the skimmer. Wouldn't it take all the medication your adding out? As for feeding. I wouldn't want to feed so the tank got dirty maybe one extra feeding nutrient jam packed? I read great things about garlic and Ich.
To my understanding some people try to enrich their food with vitamins not increase the number of feedings. Although there will be a lot of people that will advocate the only cure is to do QT with hypo or copper.


Active Member
Ok, update:
The CBA is the only one still showing signs of Ich.
All the others i am unable to find any spots on them. The CBA now has around 6 very tiny white spots that if you don't look for you cant see them and only on one fin I think they are new or they were even smaller and just got big enough for me to notice them.
BTW the solution im using is Micro-Lift Herbana. Along with Zoe meal soaks and garlic extract.
Im currently on day 4. The solution claims to prevent Ich from being able to attach to the fish during treatment. The lifespan of ich is 4 weeks i think so hopefully after the ten day treatment ill continue the meal soaks to assist in continuing to fight them off.


I tried that Herbana stuff and it was the worst thing I have ever added to my tank...turned off the skimmers etc and it killed off my Bubble coral and my yellow tang developed fin rot...lost my hippo too....It comes in a small bottle and yah it seemed to get rid of the ich but the other things in my tank did not like it at all...once added my inverts were stunned a bit by the stuff as well so to his there not a fan of that stuff at all but if it works for you great...didn't for me.
By the way don't turn the skimmer on at all...when you do after you treat the tank the skimmer will create hyper bubbles and foam all over bc of the med...I turned mine on trying to get rid of it out of the system and thats what happened to me.


Active Member
Everything seems fine, today my CBA has no signs of infection, im going to continue the treatment as suggested on the bottle for 10 days. Hopefully nothing gets sick. My Anemone is a Sebae and fully expanded with a tight mouth and the tentacles arent over inflated. Like I said before, my corals seem to be doing great also.
Im hoping my experience dosent end badly. As right now it looks like im getting the upperhand on the disease.