fiji live rock



I have been searching on the net for live rock and i have found some with shipping for 2.26-295 lb it is premium fiji rock. Am i gonna be happy with this type of rock or am i gonna wish that i went for a more expensive type rock and once i recieve precurred rock can i just put it in the tank or do i need to do the whole saltwater in a trash bag process.
note:tank is only 2 days old

mr . salty

Active Member
Fiji is some pretty good loking rock.That is what most of mine is.And if you are just starting this tank(two days old) then you can just toss it in.Any dieoff on the rock will just help the cycle get a good start..If the tank was established then you would need to worry about causing a recycle...


Active Member
If it is shipped, you may have a little die off, but if your tank is only 2 days old, like Mr. Salty mentioned, that will help the cycle.
I have Fiji, and it is nice stuff. Mine came complete with a whole bunch of mini-brittle stars, fan worms, some snails, and possibly some more I haven't seen yet.


Have you taken a peak at ????? They have some good looking LR. I am not sure though of shipping prices?
If you have not seen this and want to know what store I am talking about email me.


i think the best rock is the rock you can see for yourself. you will get cheaper rock on the internet but you take a chance of what you are getting.


Did not know about any rules, more less ones dealing with online stores. My bad I will delete that post. Any more rules I need to know would be great!