fiji LR from


Hey I need some more LR. I wanted to know if anyone had purchased any fiji LR from here and if they could post pictures.
I d like to know if they are good quality? I wasn't too impressed with the florida I previously ordered.


Active Member
Here are a few links to the Fiji LR I got from this site about a week ago. I didn't get any hitchhikers on it. The only thing I didn't like was that there was a bunch of little brown bug type creatures that were all over the rock. They were all dead and most of them came off when I rinsed it off. Other than that, I think it looks nice. But you can decide that for yourself. :)


Active Member
Well, it was out of water for three days and die off was expected. I think it'll look better once it's given more time to regrow all the good stuff. :)


i do agree they look nice .. but yours was out of water for 3 days ... i got them the next day and they still look brown with nothing on them ... i barely had coraline on them after 5 months (before the tank crashed)


I purchased Fiji LR from my LFS... I didnt realize it when I ordered it but it was Walt Smith Fiji LR... I picked it up as soon as it came from the airport... still in the box. It was never that bleached tan appearance.... it was close to black and alot of purple and pink coralline that never died or bleached... just like the pictures in the Dr f&S catalog.... The sponges and plants died back then returned... then the tang and crabs devoured anything that was plant-like!
The price was $200 for a 45lb box. Not bad from LFS!!! (If I bought less than a whole box the price went up $1.50/lb)... and as "fresh" as I could get... I suppose it would be more "fresh" if I lived on the west coast... it did have to take another trip to the east coast...
Not trying to slam your rock... It has nice shape and size...
just thought Id share my experience...