Hey, looks like we're at about the same place on our tanks. My .02c on this is: Fla LR has more bio-diversity, and usually is the only kind that is explicity aquacultured. It also seems to be very dense so you need more to fill up your tank and provide adequate filtration. Figi is less dense (better filtration & less lbs. to purchase). I haven't found any sites that state their Figi rock as being aquacultured. And it seems they have generally less life. Personally I would expect more die-off as it has to travel further. Keep in mind I won't actually OWN LR for two more weeks. <Can't wait.> But this is what I've read.
Another note, I have a book about building your tank based on geographic location and it suggests using the same rock that you fish and such are located. ie: if you're buying fish from the pacific you should lean away from Fla. LR. Good lock!