Filling up the 150 gallon tank


New Member
Yesterday I filled my tank up about 3/4, how long should I wait and let it run before I add the live sand and rock? Do you have to wait if you used the RO unit to fill it up? I am getting really inpatient to see the sand in it! h*


just make sure your Salinity is ok and then... you can start adding the sand and LR to cycle the tank. good luck


New Member
I put the sand and rock in first........... Pouring sand into water is going to make a huge mess........ but since you've already added water be sure and put the sand in before the rocks so the rocks will have some type of base and not be setting directly on the glass.
Good luck


Active Member
john, i was just about to say the same thing when i read that. you may want to try and pour the sand through a piece of pipe or something. it will take forever to clear up


Active Member
Be sure to rinse your sand until it is less cloudy. I did it in a bucket until I could see through the water. It will cut down on the cloudyness of your tank. IF you are using Live Sand skip the rinse and just add it though a piece of pvc pipe. Good luck
Themadd1 :happy: :happy:

rainbow aq

What you have to do it cut the whole top off the bag of sand and drop the whole bag into the water and pull the sand out on the bottem....this is by far the easiest way to do it....Clouds water a little bit but it will clear up soon... :yes: