Film on Perc Clown


Did the film on their skin go away after doing the Form. treatment? How many drops did you use per gallon?
I got lucky and the film on my perc went away, obviously meaning it was not brook. Keep us updated how yours progresses. I'd be very curious to see how they do.


Staff member
Not all film is brook. Many times it is a bacterial infection. Glad it worked for you though.


Well, I am very new to this hobby. Film seems to be a symptom of several diseases/infections/parasites. To the untrained eye, how can you tell the cause in order to properly treat? I did the freshwater dip on the largest of the 3. He was the first to show signs. His film came right off. Next day, littlest one had it and didnt look so good. H e stayed in the bubble stream and accumulated bubbles on the film seem to keep him steady. He was VERY stressed after his fresh water dip(swimming vertically) He did improve by the end of the day but then relapsed the next. Thats when I decided a more aggressive and less stressful treatment was in order. Hence the Formalite. Box says 15% formaldahyde...1 drop per gallon. How does that sound??? Beth, I thought I read that you recommended 10 drops per gallon of 35% form??? Is that right??? Today, they are due for another Form bath. On a scale of 1-10, 2 of them appear to be 10's while the little guy is about a 6 as far as activity, color, general well being. Advice, Beth? Anyone????
Thanks guys!


Oh, so sorry , Beth. It was Terry that recommended 20 drops per gallon of 37% formaldehyde. My box says 1 drop per gallon, double for marine use. Also, by less stressful, I meant, the switch to aerated,medicated water from their own tank with the exact same parameters verses fresh water with as close as I could get parameters.
Just needed to clear that up (I wish clearing up film was as easy)


Staff member
The water needs to be aerate during the procedure. This means that you need to supply the bath water with an airstone while the fish is being treated.
FW dips do not cure fish diseases.