Film on surface water


I have been getting a nasty film on the top of my water as well as brown bubbles. I was having a problem with cyano, so I purchased another powerhead (Reno 800) and hooked up a fluval 204 that I bought 10 years ago but never used. So my equipment right now is: MJ 900, Reno 800, Fluval 305, Fluval 204, and a CL 150 Protein Skimmer. My surface agitation is good and now I am cycling my tank around 20 times per hour. I have gotten through the cyano outbreak and am now battling brown diatoms. I have a 55 gallon reef and all water parameters are good. My tank is around 5 months old. I appreciate any suggestions or comments.


Like sign guy said; surface aggitation will be the key here. Point a powerhead upward to "ripple" the top of the water.


Originally Posted by myreef05
Like sign guy said; surface aggitation will be the key here. Point a powerhead upward to "ripple" the top of the water.
That worked for me. I also have a 55 and had the same problem about a month ago. All I did was adjust my power head so it rippled the surfface of the water and it cleared up in less than a week.


Both my Fluvals agitate the surface, my Protein Skimmer agitates the surface, and I have my MJ 900 pointed toward the surface. I am still getting a film on the top of my water. It is pretty nasty, if I have to stick my arm in the tank for anything, when I pull it out I have brown gunk all over it and it really shows up on the towel when I dry my hands.


Thats exactly how mine was. It will clear up, try doing a couple of 5-10 gal water changes.
Different companies sell (I think SWF does, but not sure) a piece that will replace the intake screen on a Fluval and allow for surface skimming . I cured the same problem I was experiencing in one of my FOWLR tanks without overflows. :joy:


Active Member
Originally Posted by TheReefKeeper
Different companies sell (I think SWF does, but not sure) a piece that will replace the intake screen on a Fluval and allow for surface skimming . I cured the same problem I was experiencing in one of my FOWLR tanks without overflows. :joy:
I had my LFS order the Fluval brand surface skimmer attachment for me. Cost me a whopping 12 bucks. It's a little too short to reach the bottom of my tank so I spliced it into my existing intake and it works great.
Manufacturer Part #: A240


Originally Posted by socal57che
I had my LFS order the Fluval brand surface skimmer attachment for me. Cost me a whopping 12 bucks. It's a little too short to reach the bottom of my tank so I spliced it into my existing intake and it works great.
Manufacturer Part #: A240
It worked for me too! Woo hoo, no more ugly surface film!
Does this piece add to the intake or outake spout.I have a fluval 305
Originally Posted by socal57che
I had my LFS order the Fluval brand surface skimmer attachment for me. Cost me a whopping 12 bucks. It's a little too short to reach the bottom of my tank so I spliced it into my existing intake and it works great.
Manufacturer Part #: A240


This is an indication of heavy protein loading in your tank if you’re not curing LR try feeding less and remove dead stuff quickly. The surface of your tank is where 90% of your gas exchange occurs if a film of protein blocks this it will impede the process. I have modified all my skimmers to surface skim it is much more efficient. The reason for your surface scum is a process known as adsorption (removal by adherence) not to be confused with absorption (removal by consumption). Excess contaminants are forced to the surface where they adhere this is more common in seawater than fresh (due to greater density). In nature wave action at the beach removes these proteins through foam fractionation. The foam you see on the beach is the same stuff you’ll find in your collection cup (if you see foam in fresh water it is incredibility dirty). The reason a skimmer works at all is the protein scum adheres on the surface of the millions of micro-bubbles in your skimmer this waste is carried to the collection cup on a column of foaming waste. If you have the option borrow another skimmer to augment your current skimmer if not clean your unit every time you notice it is dirty.
A side note: disturbing the surface does not actually remove the film or contaminates it only mixes it back it your water if you don’t have an adequate skimmer turnover rate or constant water changes your water will become discolored and nutrient rich.


Active Member
Originally Posted by califishdude
Does this piece add to the intake or outake spout.I have a fluval 305
Intake. It pulls surface water into your filter. And chinpokomon is correct, you still need a bubble skimmer to remove the proteins. This simply "skims" the surface. We get a lot of dust and debris in the air here, so the surface gets an extra dose of crap that settles on the surface.
Nice av califichdude...we're from the KC area originally. Me=Independence, Wife=Raytown.
Take a plastic cup and push it into the water gently until water from the surface is pulled down, you can get the scum off the top this way, I do it once a day because the dried krill leaves a bit of an oil slick. You might have to do it more than once to get all the stuff off the top.
Originally Posted by socal57che
Intake. It pulls surface water into your filter. And chinpokomon is correct, you still need a bubble skimmer to remove the proteins. This simply "skims" the surface. We get a lot of dust and debris in the air here, so the surface gets an extra dose of crap that settles on the surface.
Nice av califichdude...we're from the KC area originally. Me=Independence, Wife=Raytown.
Downtown Kansas City for me. I hate being stuck up here with the lousy Raider Fans


Active Member
Originally Posted by califishdude
Downtown Kansas City for me. I hate being stuck up here with the lousy Raider Fans