Film On Water


Upon looking at my tank tonight I see that there is some film like sustance floating on the top of the water. Almost looks like salt when you look from bottom up. What could this be? I have a 125 tank with LR and LS and no fish. :confused:


Be calm, more than likely the film you see is just a collection of surface oils that have accumulated on the surface. With proper protein skimming, water movement, and the establishment of helpful bacteria the surface oils should dissipate in a few days. Try and use gloves when you put your hand in the tank and always wash and rinse your hands throughly before and after you work in the tank, even when you use the gloves.

madd catt

That could be slime or protein.Your filter or powerhead sould take care of it through water movement.somebody here may suggest foam fractionation or protein skimmer.


Good Good.... I just turned back on the PS. I was hoping it was good and I had done something wrong. Thank you guys. I was worried there for alil bit. :D


I had the same thing on the surface of my water. I pointed a powerhead slightly towards the surface and it broke it up enough that my prizm skimmer pulled it out. Good luck.