Filter Cleaning..


Hello all.. My ? is can my fliter that i turned off about 3 weeks ago be washed in vingar and water to kill the dead smell or must it just be water ... thank you


Staff member
What kind of fiter is it? A pad? Perhaps you need to replace it. Do not clean anything used in the hobby with anything but water.


thank you for the reply beth..
the filter is a bio life 55 sidemount hangon
you see the reason y i ask is that i had the water level in the tank lower than the required water level for the filter due to water and tank cleaning.... .. there was a lot of gunk in the filter not only the pads but in the chambers (stunk) and felt it was contributing to high ammonia levels.. (yes or no) please respond..
last night i water rinsed all the parts.. yet still foul smell and going to replace the filter pad and lil filter cartridge..