filter for quarantine tank


Can I use the regular external filters that are commonly used in freshwater for a 29 gallon tank? I'm planning to make it into a quarantine tank. Currently, it's only a resorvoir for my water changes.
Thanks again for all the helps ;)


Hi Vince,
Yes you can use a plain old power filter.
I use a Penguin 120 filter the kind that has the bio-wheel. Costs around 28.00. I don't keep my q-tank up all the time. I put the bio-wheel part in the sump of my main tank that way the good bacteria are kept alive. When I need the q-tank I just fill it up and put the bio-wheel back on - instant cyle for the q-tank.


When I said external filters, I meant ...
the ones with a simple sponge and a carbon bag on top of them. Do these filters do a biological filteration as well? Can they be still used for quarantining saltwater tank?


I have a small aqua-clear filter on my QT tank. Sounds like the same kind of filter. I have also used copper in the QT. I leave my QT set up all the time, I just change out the charcoal and sponge when Im done treating w/ copper.(and water changes until the copper is gone) Works well for me. I guess mine is more of a hospital / QT. The bio-filter is both in the charcoal and the sponge. A lot of the good bacteria and gunk reside in it / on it.
[ July 19, 2001: Message edited by: mal ]


Thank you for the reply mal,
when we wash/replace the sponge and carbon; would the bacteria still be there? Or do we need to let the tank run for another week or so for bacteria to regrow?
thanks again. ;)


IME the good microbacter is both in the water and in the filter(s) if you tank is set up and cycled, you should have no problems maintaining good water quality even if you treat w/ meds. I may be way off here but it has worked for me this way. Also in my 20g the water changes are a bit more frequent, especially with the little filter I use. (nitrate builds up) Hope this helped. Be sure to wash out your sponge with saltwater, not fresh. If you do treat with copper you may want to consider getting a new sponge and definately new carbon, when the copper is gone. Better safe than sorry.
[ July 20, 2001: Message edited by: mal ]