filter for shark tank


oceanclear thats a beautiful shark but right now my tank isnt big enough i only have a 55gal right now that is to small rihgt ? but am in the prosses of buiding a 360 gal tank so if u still have them when i get the new tank up i would take the banded


Tony detroit even when it was a baby yours was this color
the ones i see are all real dark bars ???
Is there a differants from banded or bamboo??


Oceanclear(and everyone else):
Erase the name banded cat shark from your vocabulary. The shark you have is a bamboo shark(it looks like a brownbanded bamboo, but juviniles of those dont look like that so I'm thinking its a different kind maybe). Banded cat is an inaccurate name lfs's call them, these sharks arent even in the same family as true catsharks. Bamboo and epaulettes sharks are from the family Hemiscylliidae, catsharks are from the family Scyliorhindae.
Anyway to answer your question oceanclear, "banded cats" and bamboos are the same thing.
I thought you sold those sharks a while ago or am I confused?


Dang after all that the guy didnt even buy them. That sucks. Good luck finding a new buyer. If you were closer so Cali I'd consider buying the bamboo off of you.