filter help

i need help from you experienced people well can you have a aquaclear filter that has bioballs in a reef tank? i figured i could because its got i built in skimmer (came with the tank) but one of my friends said it wouldnt work because like the bioballs creat more nitrates to kill the nitrites. (ITS A REEF TANK) thanks.
P.S. sorry for such a newb question!


Active Member
Sure you can use that filter on a reef tank, but as your freind hinted at its not the best form of filtration as it lacks the ability to break down nitrates. Do some research on forms of natural filtration like deep sand beds, and refugiums, as well as skimmers. Natural Reef Aquariums, by John Tullock would be a great book to get you started. HTH


As adrian ha sstated yes just not the best choice for a reef tank. Do a search on this board and you'll get a better understanding. Try deep sand base, live rock, and natural filitration as search words. there are a lot of helpful people here so and a lot of good books.
alright thanks alot guys should i get a seperate skimmer even tho the filter has one built in?? thanks again.
P.S. the deep sandbed and live rock im defonitally gonna have.
P.P.S would all of those things together do great?


which model do you have? I have the pro150 and it works great for my 100g. I use only 30 bio ball though, but I think you can just run without them provided that you have DSB and LR. The built in skimmer for the pro150 is amazing. I'm thinking about making the bio ball compartment a fuge.