filter maintence


i know this is going to be a dumb question and i should know the answer since i read it in one of my books but can't rember which one. on my wet dry filter between the bio balls and the sump where the return pump is there is a big sponge filter when cleaning that am i suppose to rinse it in fresh water or rinse it in the sump?
always rinse your media in salt water when cleaning it. fresh water will kill essential bacteria that you have worked so hard to build. i am not sure about rinsing it in the sump, maybe someone else can help you with this one.


If this is the spounge after the bio-media it is your denitrifying (sp?) media intended to house anarobic bacteria that assist in removing nitrates. There should be another sponge or filter that the water passes through before the boi-media that removes particles.
Cleaning the denitrifing spounge should be a rare event (because you want to keep the bacteria active) and in theory dirt particles are removed before the water reaches it.
Definately rince in salt water, but not in the sump. One approach is to use a bucket of water that you remove when doing a water change.