Filter Media Question


My 55 Gallon Truvu has a hang on the back wet/dry style filter with built-in protien skimmer. Oh and here are some of the tank particulars:
2 1/2 inch sand bed (live sand)
prob around 50lbs of live rock
if you need more than that please read the data at the top of my web site HERE
I am woundering if I need to use this Biological media in my system or if I could just use Bio Balls. I have about 3 boxes of this stuff (the pic below) sitting just above the Bio Balls in my filter. I think that this stuff needs to be changed out every other month or something like that because it clogs up. This is my main reason for asking this question, because I am pretty sure you don't need to take your Bio Ball out and clean them every month or so. OH I was told to run my setup this way by my LFS and I am thinking he did this so that I would be back every other month to by more of this stuff.
Sorry if I am posting this in the wrong spot.


Active Member
sounds like if you protein skimmer is any good than you could probably do fine without any bioballs or anything after your tank has been up and running for a while, how long has your tank been running


Well-Known Member
Awesome tank.
I use crushed oyster shells in my DIY refuge/sump. (along with lava landscaping rocks). Real pain to clean. I rinse them out every two weeks. So I don't think your added stuff is necessary and there are very inexpensive alternatives. The oyster shells have raised calcium for instance.


oyster shells? were can i buy some? they dont sell them at my LFS... i need more calcium. And are those what you were talking about cleaning?


Well-Known Member

Originally posted by New_Noob
oyster shells? were can i buy some? they dont sell them at my LFS... i need more calcium. And are those what you were talking about cleaning?

Are you ready for this

You buy them from feed and seed stores. Here the cost is $3 for 40 pounds. They are used as literally chicken feed.
this is an old saltwater trick. put in play sand the add some crushed ouster shells on top instead of crushed coral.
I was first testing my calcium with a test kit that had only 50 ppm sensitivity. I would get reading from either 250-300 ppm or 300-350 with the later definately being almost changed at the 300 level. I now have a titration kit which is more sensitive. The 400ppm standard test liquid tests at 390-410.
then i test and get 415-~380. Seems to depend on how much I scoop the red powder out LOL.


thats sounds good, so i should mix some with my sand?
Speaking of sand how i can dry sand FAST?!?!? I bought sand but it froze (because is cold in Wisconsin) and it got all wet and moise, and i am trying to spift it but it is kinda.


So I am kind of confused :confused: Do the Oyster shells make it so you dont have to dose Calcium?
I am doseing about 2 tsp of Kent Calcium a day. my reading is at 780ppm