Filter Question: Eheim model 2227


I've been looking for a new filter. I'd like a wet/dry system, though I really don't care.
One that has caught my eye is the EHEIM model 2227. It looks like it could handle any problem I got. But I really don't know what makes a good filter, and a bad one.
If any one has experience with this filter, or just some advice on picking one, it would be greatly appreciated.
(25 gallon tank, possibly moving into 75 soon)

david s

wet/dry is allways a plus because of water flowing under tank u get alot better gas exchange try to get a decent size one if u are doing a fish only tank make sure it will hold alot of bio balls and has room on other side for a skimmer and stuff and if u go reef u can allways change it to a sump as far as brand u will get a thousand diff oppinons size matters when it comes to this i think


eheim is generally a very good brand, I also purchased a new one although not that particular model. i would go for it.


This is what I had to say yesterday about a similar question:
Eheim makes great stuff, I have used their canisters before, but I would think twice before going that route.
That model is cool, I mean a wet/dry canister, that's cool.
Problem is, if you ever want to upgrade like I did, you don't even have the benefit of a sump you can put hardware in like most wet/drys.
Plus those Eheims are expensive, that is probably the main reason he is trying to sell you it.
Your money would be better spent getting a cheap sump and putting good hardware that you can use down the road in it.
With enough live rock and live sand, you don't need the wet/dry, but you will probably like to have the sump.