Filter question--right or wrong?


Active Member
I have a year and a half old 75 gal. with a coral beauty, chromis, sebea clown (juvi), naso tang (about 3") and a spotted cardinal. Please no tang police---I have a 150 starting. LR and LS, clean up crew, protein skimmer and powerheads. Also some corals (leather and polyps).
Question is I have a not so great filter, but it has done me well over the last year or so. It is a whisper 3, and I rarely run the carbon bags (only if the there is a chance the water will get cloudy, ie., rearranging rocks and then I remove shortly after). I have left the black filter in front of this in, and rarely every clean these. Now my LFS said that this holds the "good" bacteria for the tank to strive. Is this true? Should I just remove this also and use the filter (empty) for water movement? Thus using the LR and LS as the filter? Lastly--could this be the source of my trAtes being noticable (20)? I think I know the answers, but wanted some feedback for all of you. Thanks.


True that the filter will hold bacteria.
If you have enough livesand, and liverock, then I see no reason why you shouldn't be able to remove it.
Could be the source of nitrates if the filter itself is collecting xs food and debris. Could be if this is your only form of mechanical filtration then it is collecting the debris and holding it while it becomes DOC's. Once again with enough rock and sand I see no reason why you couldn't remove it or clean the filter and replace the sponge filter.
I would say its ok to remove.


I agree with thomas with enough lr and ls I would remove the filter material and just use it for water movement. IMO the filter now is a nitrate factory collecting food etc and turning it in nitrates.


Active Member
I have a whisper 4 on the back of my 72. I pulled the foam pads after the tank was up about six months with no ill effects. Just use it for circulation and carbon now.
Good Luck!


Active Member
Thanks all. I figured that was the route to go. I will remove these in the am.
, how often do you run your carbon? Just when you feel its needed?

nm reef

Active Member
I run 2 hang on filters on my refugium....I did run carbon in them once amonth for a few days for a long time. After I developed my sump I started running my carbon & phosphates in bags suspended in the sump(much higher flow rate) all the hang ons do is circulate water. I agree that as a filter they don't do much on a reef...but they do move water pretty good and can be used for now/then floss or carbon or sponge material.


Active Member
Got ya. I guess I knew the answers, or at least I should from being here a year. I just still second guess myself. Thanks all. :D