Filter question


New Member
I have a new 90 Gal tank. lfs sold me a fluval 405 power filter. Is that going to provide enough circulation for the tank?


:happyfish Look at the spec sheet that came with the filter. It should give you a gal/hr rating. Opinions vary on the exact amount, but 10x or more total tank cap. I know from personal experience that I was at 8x and everything was ok, but now at 15x and tank is much better. Water is clearer, cleaner and fish seem happier to ride/swim in currents. Good luck.


Active Member
Filter circulation for the 405 is 225 gallons per hour and the pump output is 340 gallons per hour. Its rated for a tank up to 100 gallons I think thats pretty good.
What media you use?


Active Member
Phos guard and Chemi pure. So far they work GREAT!! My tank has been great and haven't lost a fish yet. Knock on wood.


Active Member
The PhosGuard made by Seachem is what I use. It removes Phosphate and silicate.
The Chemi-pure is made by ---- Boyd's
You will need to get a nylon bag for the PhosGuard the chemi-pure comes with one..
Wow, it won't let me post the word "----". But it is DCK Boyd's. A little wheel of furtune for ya


Make sure you are using additional PHs for more circulation. As Phishface said your filter might be rated for 100 gallon but you still want your tanks water to be circulated 10-20Xs more per hour.