filter questions


New Member
have always had great luck with my current us aquariums wet/dry, built in protein skimmer, but everyone talks non-stop about converting to the miracle mud system, just would like input from others if they've done this and been successful, fish stores want you to do it, but they want you to buy the light, mud, plants, on and on. I am thinking about it, but i also like the "Ain't broke don't fix it" motto


well imo if what you do works dont change. you might want to add the mircle mud system to see if it helps but thats your decision. could be benifits to it havent tried it myself yet. someday i will


Active Member
If you are happy with what you have and you are having no problems then why change?
I started using the ecosystem to help combat a hair algae outbreak. It is still too early for me to say if it lives up to the claims.