filter, skimmer, what is needed?


I have just set up a 20 gallon, that I plan to have some fish and some live rock. I don't realy want corals, but maybe some mushrooms. I have an eheim liberty hob filter and about 2 pounds of lr right now. The tank was set up three days ago, is there anything else I can do, besides add more rock, to get the cycle going better.
Also should I get a protein skimmer for it, and if not, then what do I do to keep the wastes down. If I should get a skimmer, then what type would be inexpensive and good. :rolleyes:


Well-Known Member

Originally posted by cnlight
I have just set up a 20 gallon, that I plan to have some fish and some live rock. I don't realy want corals, but maybe some mushrooms. I have an eheim liberty hob filter and about 2 pounds of lr right now. The tank was set up three days ago, is there anything else I can do, besides add more rock, to get the cycle going better.
Also should I get a protein skimmer for it, and if not, then what do I do to keep the wastes down. If I should get a skimmer, then what type would be inexpensive and good. :rolleyes:

Skimmers are optional.
I would add all the plant life you can get your hands on.


Ok so if I need a skimmer, what would you all recomend. I was thinking of getting a visi jet, has anyone ever had one and what do they think. What others would be good for my tank.


Active Member
there is a used cpr on here for $50 , look for it they r nice skimmers. I have a cpr and a seaclone. I got both used and they work fine. I think u should get a cpr bak pak or a seaclone.
Brand new they r around 125-150


I have heard of a seaclone, but not a cpr, aren't those a little big for my tank. I have a lot of experience with fresh water fish, but salt is still fairly new to me, so info along those lines is always appreciated.


Really, thats discouraging. i was hoping to have a skimmer on there. But since i can't have one, what kind of water changes should I do to keep the tank clean, since a 20 gallon is harder to keep stable. Does anyone know how a visi jet skimmer works.



Originally posted by beaslbob
Skimmers are optional.
I would add all the plant life you can get your hands on.

What other plant life can you add besides the brushes on this site? Would a yellow tang eat them?


You don't need a skimmer on a 20 gallon. We've had one for a long time, and we've never used a skimmer. We do a 5 gallon water change on a regular basis (about every 8 weeks) and nothing (knock on wood) has died. We have a clown fish, an anenome, a coral banded shrimp, a scooter blenny, and a snowflake eel. We also have a featherduster worm, which has been flourishing for about three months now.