Filter/Skimmer....what's the deal!?


New Member
Ok...I am in the process of setting up a 40G tank. Eventually I would like it to be a small reef tank, but for now am settling FOWLR. I have a Fluval 304 filter, 40lbs of Live sand, and 20lbs LR (expect more). I've been told I need the skimmer for I need a Protien Skimmer and the Cannister filter? Can I just get a surface skimmer for the Fluval? Should I return my filter and just purchase a Protien skimmer!? Please help...
:notsure::confused: :notsure: :confused:


Active Member
Welcome!!! and ill tell ya most people around here use both types, in one fashion or another, but a protein skimmer is pretty much a must if your going to have a reef. good luck and welcome aboard!! Todd


New Member
...hrrmm...I figured the protien skimmer is a necessity. What about the Fluval Surface Skimmer attachment? Does this essentially do the same job and act like a Protien Skimmer?


Active Member
I hoestly dont know about the fluval, hopefully someone who does wil chime in here soon and answer that one for ya, sorry Todd


Active Member
I honestly dont know about the fluval, hopefully someone who does wil chime in here soon and answer that one for ya, sorry Todd


welcome to swf!!!!!!!!!!! the protien skimmer is a must, even if you don't have coral it's a good thing to have hanging off the side. don't take back the filter, think of it this way, the filter is for the fish and the skimmer is for the coral and inverts and such. i suggest buying the sea-clone 100 or 150 they are amazing


Active Member
I have heard the fluvals arent that good but I also heard jebo skimmers arent but I love mine.
I dont think it would be the same I would rather have the canister reaching deep into the tank to pull out big peices of poo and stuff. But the overflow might work to I would wait for someone alittle more into canisters.


Active Member
i LOVE my fluvals. 304 on a 55 and 404 on a 125. i'm still experimenting with media for the 55salt as it seems to clog up more often than i'd like to clean it, but it's impossible to hear and flawless performing. stay away from the skimmer attachment as like said earlier you want to draw your filter intake from as low as possible. def get a skimmer and that'll take care of the top and all the sludge floating around if you've got it. you're going to need a true skimmer anyways so why bother skirting by on a useless attachment? oh i'd stay away from cheap prizms too, mine sucks.
just one opinion...


New Member
...I think I'm going to go with a Seaclone 150 Skimmer. That or a Prizm...My head is starting to hurt with all these options at my fingertips!


New Member
..Ok, no Prizm here. But I'll admit, I'm a bit cheap. A Seaclone 150 on a small 40G tank should do the job, no?


New Member
...the AquaC Remora. Geez, it seems as if everyone around here is lukewarm on the Prizms and Seaclones. Time to open up the wallet a bit more I see.


Active Member
For the price of a seaclone 150 at the petstore you can get a aqua c remora off a famouse auction site for the same price. And the aqua c will work way better.


My Seaclone 100 works fine on my 30 gallon tank....Buy what your wallet will afford...If you listen to alot of these guys in this forum you will spend your entire childrens inheritence on a 10 gallon nano tank


we are really new to this and we had alot of the same questions you had so I can only tell you what we did and how well it works remains to be seen but so far it seems to be working great we purchased a filter /protien skimmer combonation haning filter it is called a skilter 400 and is on a 55 gallon tank with 45lbs of live rock and one aqua clear 250 powerhead it seems to working great and after the tank has cycled I am assuming it will keep on doing a great job .The skilter 400 ran around 80 bucks replacement filter media for 12 changes was and additional 18 dollars good luck with the tank


Active Member
vito525---How mutch did you spend on your seaclone 100? For the same price or alittle more you could of gotten a better skimmer.
dad&son----Skilters arent that great they are suppose to be load and have to adjust them all the time. Not everyone will be like this just most that is why most will tell them not to buy one since there is a good chance they arent gonna work. And IMO It probly wouldnt work as well as a seperate skimmer and filter.


Snipe....I paid less than $60 and it is skimming right along....When I have some more $ I may invest in a AquaC Remora as those seem to have the best rating...But for now w/a 30 gallon and 40lbs LR 4 hermits and in the middle of my cycle it's doing the job. BTW I set up this whole tank for <$500 and it is doing fine.


New Member
The general consensus is that the AquaC Remora is a more trusty skimmer. And that's what I was looking for, a general consensus. I saw an auctioned Seaclone 150 for around $70, but will spend the few more for a AquaC. I'm in no rush, as I won't be introducing coral for quite some time. I do prefer quality, and don't like to skimp on thngs that matter.


Active Member
vito525---I understand not all seaclones are bad some will work. I have seen some ppl that have some that work just not like they would like. And if you go the petstore there pretty pricy and you can get one offline for the the same price at a petstore.
Svengal---Your doing great dont rush it just keep saving your money and buy the stuff you know is gonna work and last longer.