

New Member
It sounds to me like most are not happy with the "Skilter" skimmer filter. Now I would appreciate finding out more about the "Cyclone Backpack" models of filter/skimmers or anyother brand people are happy with. This is for an established 29 gallon tank that I wish to convert to a reef tank.


Like I had mentioned in a previous post-I've heard only good things about these filters from other people on this board and have ordered one myself for my new set-up.


I have a skilter on my 30 gal reef it works great..... makes a slight hissing noise that is what most complain about....


I have a Skilter on my 44 gal tank and it sounds like a cement mixer. I'm not %100 sure if it is me not assembling or adjusting the unit right, or whether it is just LOUD
[This message has been edited by sshorem (edited 04-10-2000).]


I was not happy at all with my Skilter. I noticed a lot of the bubbles it produces is thrown back into the tank. I switched to the Bak Pak II (Thanks to Reef Ranger). And I'm 100% happy with it. I would recommend it to anyone with a 55 gallon or less tank.

george w

New Member
I think the bak pak is way over rated as a skimmer. You are dealing with a simple co -- current skimmer, with a small reaction chamber. A person could save 100.00 and buy any of the internal air driven skimmers and receive the same performance, if not better. It is certainly a better option than a skilter, but a poor choice comparing skimmer performance per dollar spent.