Filter Sock


Are you guys using filter socks on your tanks? I am having a problem with hair algea and wondering if the filter socks could be making it worse.
I do clean them 1 to 2 times a week just by spraying them out with the water hose.
Any help is appreciated.


Active Member
I use them on my tank and have no problems....difference is.....I throw mine in the washing machine on detergents or anything...just the water and them come out pretty clean.


I would think everyone would use some kind of filter whether a filter sock or a foam filter??


New Member
I use the 50 micron washable filter pads. I change them out every other day and wash them in the washer with bleach. I do one wash with bleach and two rinse and spins with de-chlorine. No problems. You should look else where for your alge problem.
First use only RO/DI filtered water for your salt mix and top off. Get as much flow through the tank as you can, add a pump or two (no dead spots). Next run some type of phosphate removing product and check or replace your lights (spectrum shift). Then the best thing to do is weekly water changes to drop the nitrate levels so the alge doen't have any fuel to feed it self. This should help with your alge problem but it will take some time. Good luck!


I do the same as above with my filter socks. After 3-5 days I run them in the washing machine on HOT. They come out looking very clean. My gf also makes me run a "cleaning" cycle on the washing machine after I am done with a little detergent as she says what I do is gross. LOL