filter socks and carbon.....


ok, i've been using filter socks for a while now. seems they were overflowing every 3-4 days(7 inch sock). it got alot better when i pulled my tank down and cleaned all the hair algae off the LR and got rid of 4 of my fish. now a sock lasts 8 days!
was wondering about if putting carbon in the sock would be benifical? was pondering this idea in my head today at work. dont know if it would be good in a reef tank. what do you think?


Active Member
I run carbon 24/7 on my 135. I believe in it myself. If though your drain is very violent it may tumble it and grind the carbon.
That wouldnt be a good thing. Try placing it between the baffles instead. Or anywhere there is a good high (but gentle) flow.


Active Member
it gets everything out of the water......i actually did a thread about this a couple weeks back. read this and see if it helps....


Active Member
i imagine it would some. i actually took mine out though and added chemipure elite and I will tell you I had some nitrates and they are going down whereas with the carbon they weren't. They were never super high anyway but they were about 20-25 and now they are 10 so that makes me feel that carbon may not be the best option in the long run.