

New Member
I am trying to decide on which filter to use I have a 125 gal tank. The three what I have been reading about ar a protein skimmer , a wet/dry , or a sump with mud if anybody can help it would be most appreciated Jerry <img src="graemlins//confused.gif" border="0" alt="[confused]" />

nm reef

Active Member
First I'd like to welcome you to the board...
Can't really make a selection on your poll because the option I'd pick is not available.On a system your size I would personally go with approximately 1-2 lbs of quality LR per gal(125-250 lbs total)...a DSB of 4"-6"...In addition I would have dual overflows that would feed a sump(where I'd have a skimmer rated to handle the system)& a refugium that would contain macro algaes (caulperas) for nutrient export.For filtration that would be the foundation. I'd also insure the circulation would turn over the system approximately 10 times per hr.
Not really an option on your poll...but thats the direction I'd head of luck...and keep us informed as your system developes! :cool:


Active Member
MAN, this stinks, i came here looking to answer to a poll, and my first choice is not listed either, so to add, ia m wiht nmreef, got it use it,and LOVE it


we have am eheim pro II we use 24/7 w/ no adverse effects for the 135 w/ carbon & filter material & ceramics in it; chems seem to stay good for the 3/4 year it's been running; sponges seem to be doing grate & proliferating which supposedly consided an positve water indicator by some; in addition to the skimmer & LR/LS