filteration and lighting question


so for filteration for a 75 reef i was thinking about doing a cascade1200 canister filter( i heard somewere canister filters are more for fresh?)and somthing with som bio filteration and a protine skimmer built in.will that be good? now for the lighting questions should i do 4x65 watt pcs or 6x65 watt pcs what could i not keep with the 4's and what more could i keep with the 6x65's also what can't i keep with the 6x65's?


Active Member
halides are prety much a must for a reef tank.. provide the best light possible!
as far as filtering, get an overflow box goin down to a refugium... thats the best u can do for a reef tank.. other filters will collect nitrates and cause a problem eventually, while the fuge will literally eat up the nitrates using a macro-algae such as chaetomorpha which will also remove co2 and produce oxygen