filtering water w/o R.O.


New Member
I want to have better water qaulity. I have no R.O.I can't buy one live in APT. Is there any other methods or filteration types to get good water comparable to ro water


I use a PUR water filter on my faucet and it seems to work well for my fish ( and the water tests fine too) there about $35 at Home Depot and i replace the filter about every three months.



New Member
So doing top offs and water changes with this PUR will lower my Nitrates. I want to add turbo snails but I am afraid to cause of high nitrates


I would do a large water change with it just doing top offs you not really adding that much water even in my 135 gal the top off is less than 2 gals so thats just a bit more than 1% of the water volume in the tank.



Active Member
I wouldn't let living in an apartment prevent me from having an RO unit. They make faucet attachments that just screw onto a standard kitchen or bathroom faucet. No big deal, unless you're concerned about the increase in waste water, or the initial cost of the unit. Then I can see your point.
You can batch run the RO water into storage containers and use it all week for top offs and mixing your salt.
About the only way I know of determining if a "water filter" will eliminate the nasties in tap water is to test the tap water before and after it runs through the filter.
Many of the "family" kitchen drinking water filters use some activated charcoal or resins to remove chlorine and other substances. IMO - depending on your tap water quality to begin with - they may work - or they may not.


It will improve the water quality some what but you dont realy state what the quality problems is, whats the quality problem it could be over feeding for all we know. Tell us a little more.



Active Member
fish boy,
man, i wish i had of though t of that(i'd never be wrong, and could have had 6000 replies by now), either reply saying the same exact thing as everyone else, over and over, or say go here, you might get more responses over and over and over, after they have already gotten good responses, people come here looking for help,and the best we can come up with is put this one on the equipment forum, you might get more responses, fact being, especially with basic everyday questions, yu will probably get more help here, many more people go here than any other forum in, unless they are looking for a specific item, an dthey do get plenty of good responses, if you can help, please do participate, but 20 some odd responses saying to put it somewhere else, in the same day,
come on, help out if you are able and answer their questions(if not, read and learn, i do , sammy does, and everyone does, read and learn from one another), instead of just trying to redirect everything all the time, if htey cannot get good help, soeone will redirect him, or a shark will move it for them and or ask another shark(who i might add are all VERY
knowledgable in their own areas), this is how they got their postitions
sorry, nothing personal, but i just read alot of responses that say the same thing, and not owne helped to answer their questions, and many have already had alot of good help