

Well, I am going to probly get a 20G Long. I was wondering if the RED SEA PRIZM HANG ON PROTEIN SKIMMER would be enough filtration along with 25 pounds LR and a 4 inch DSB? If not, what else do you recommend? If I get the LR cured, then do I just put it in about 1-5 pounds a day untill its all in? When should I put the LR into the aquarium? Also, as a fact of lighting, I would like to keep a couple Sabea and Claki Clowns, alonge with 2 Cleaner shrimps, Bubble Coral + Pink and Red Brain Coral.....Probly not anythin more then that. What specific lighting will I need, that will take care of all that ? Anywho.....Thanks for all the time it will probly take you to answer all these questions!


I would put on something for mechanical filtration even if it is just a bio-wheel. as far as live rock just put it all in but don't add any live stock have your filtration going ant test your water you should be able to add livestock slowly in a few weeks. For lighting I would use an Ice cap 440 ballast and at least 2 if not 3 vho lights( actinic, 50-50 and aquasun. Hope that helps


I would not have more than 2 clowns in that set-up. I have a 20 very mini reef with LR and a prizm with two maroons and a DSB. I do not use any mechanical filtration and I seem to be doing fine. But definately do not have more than two small fish if oyu want to lkeep corals.


Active Member
i believe that the prism is a filter and skimmer combined is't it, in either case, your bio filter(lr and dsb), that will be enough filtration, just go for good circulation, add some smaller powerheads to the equation you want a total of 80 to 160gph circ. for a 20gal, and no dead spots in the tank, so 2 small ones will be okay, maybe one with the prizm, if you can position it well,
add all of the lr at once, BEFORE you add any fish, then cycle the tank, t'll go much faster and smoother


Well, my mom tells me now, that she got me a 16G Sea Cube thingy, so there goes my idea of the 20G out the door, but O well, Sea Cube works. Thanks anyways for all your help, this will help in the future purchase of more aquariums :).


THe prizm is not a filter and is just a skimmer....I do not have a plenum...I am not sure what that is....I have about .5 inchecs of crushed coral covered by 3 inches of sand.


Active Member
sorry about that, as i mentioned, I believed the prizm was..., I was not sure, yet the response is still the same, the prizm in either case(both, or just a skimmer), with enough lr and sand is sufficient for that size of tank, and most of what you would do with a 20 will be the same for a 16, maybe just less rock, and sand, so don't disregard any advice you have already gotten
Good luck with the 16, you will find this hobby addicting, and eventually wind up with another system(maybe weeks, maybe years)
Just keep on doing your research before you act, this may save you great heart ache, the people on this forum are a pool of knowlege from tried expeience and failures which they would love to share in hopes to help others


Active Member
Hi, I agree you won't need another filter and definatly don't get a biowheel. The really add to evaporation and salt creep. You wouldn't even need a skimmer for such a tank, I have a 29 gal for 5 years now with nothing more than LR and a DSB - no problems. As for the lighting, if you are keeping corals, do your homework on the lighting needs, most corals need atleast 3-5 watts / gall. I would suggest a JBJ power compact, I have 110 watts on mine which is fine for the corals I keep. But like I said do your homework on the corals before you buy them Good luck!