

Active Member
What type of canister filter would everyone recommend for a 125g fish and reef tank that has 100lbs LR and 110 LS?


If you definitely want to go the canister route, you might need 2 for that size of a tank. I use Fluval in my 55 and I've never had a problem.


Active Member
right now I depend on my LF, LS and proteinn skimmer but I'm thinking about getting a canister (my tank isn't drilled, no sump) for extra filtration and to run carbon.


Sorry to but in but i too have a 100g fowlr tank and i plan on using a fluval 404 can you all tell me what kind of media i need and in what chambers to put it in? i have the carbon and the bio max just now sure where they need to go lol :thinking:


Its kind of personal preference. I use one for a media my LFS sells called AquaChargers. They are supposed to offer a lot of surface area for beneficial bacteria and even come pre-treated (helped speed my cycle). In the other two canisters I use ceramic media. I'm thinking of rinsing off my foam filter this weekend and switching one of the ceramics out for carbon.


ok so i have 4 chambers, some biomax and some carbon that the lfs sold me yesterdsay so would the biomax go in the top? then the carbon at the bottom? how often to change out the carbon and does it need to be in there all the time?


Active Member

Originally posted by scoobydoo
What type of canister filter would everyone recommend for a 125g fish and reef tank that has 100lbs LR and 110 LS?

What r u running now scooby?? todd


Active Member
Hi Todd, I'm not running any filter. I'm using my LS and LR for bio filtation and my protein skimmer. It has been working fine but I wanted to get something so I could run carbon occassionally. My tank is pretty clear but not as clear as some that I've seen on the photo board. Any suggestions?


Active Member
do you have a sump, ??? just checkin, if you have a sump, you could go cheap with those back pack type filters, and you can put the carbon in and when ever you want or need to, or the canister is a good filter also. todd:happy:


Active Member
nope, no sump either! For basic, natural (read cheap!) But its been working fine for 4 months. Right now I just have a bag of nylon bag of carbon floating in my tank. Not sure if its doing any good or not.


Active Member
well get one of those penguin 330's or something like it, and just run them for the carbon, i dont ever use carbon in mine anymore, my 125, but i am right now in my 7o gal. i just use a wet/dry on my big tank, with bio balls. todd


blemmy is it possible to have a nice clean 100 tank with a fluval 404 and a skimmer? and what medias do you suggest thanks


Active Member
Live sand, in my opinion, is better than crushed coral, but theres some debate about that, and definately Live Rock, i have 160 lbs of it in my 125 gal. tank, and i think if you can do similar to that you would be fine with that and the fluval 404. todd


You already know what I am gonna suggest.
Magnum 350 with or witout the biowheel atachment is a great cannister. The filter will mechanically clean out the impurities, and the biowhel will provide added biological filtration.
You can also add carbon to the filter to "buff" up the water.
I use mine, along with my 125 galllon wet/dry.
Never to much filteration and water movement
You should se the BEAUTIFUL stuff I got from our favorite store this week.


Active Member
Jedi, post pictures! I would love to see them but I'll probably be jealous as I won't be able to make the trip now until the weather gets much nicer. My tank is doing great with just the LR and LS and protein skimmer. The water is very clear again. I must have just disturbed the sand bed when I was cleaning the glass the other day. I do have a sock of carbon floating (which probably isn't doing much good but won't hurt). I'm holding off on an additional filter for now. I may just get one to keep on hand to use as an occassional cleaner and buffer when needed. Again, post pictures.


wow and your tank stays clean? clear? i have a fluval 404 and i was worried about not having enough. but i ordered some maxi jets and i do plan on getting at least 100lbs of rock prolly 50 at a time. cool glad to know that thanx