

Active Member
What type of canister filter would everyone recommend for a 125g fish and reef tank that has 100lbs LR and 110 LS?
right now I depend on my LF, LS and protein skimmer but I'm thinking about getting a canister (my tank isn't drilled, no sump) for extra filtration and to run carbon.


Have you considered the external overflow to a sump? I'd do that before a canister filter.


Active Member
Thomas, I'm trying to stay away from a sump. it kinda scares me :scared: My LR and LS have been working out fine. My tank has been set up since Oct. and so far so good. I really only want something for a little extra filtation but mainly to polish the water with carbon. I've been reading about the Magnum350 Pro Deluxe which is relatively cheap ($100).


Active Member
I run a large sump and larger Fuge (algal scrubber actuall) as my "Main" filtration conjunction with the LR/LS and killer skimmer...
BUT.. I do have a Magnum 350 set up with a couple 6' hoses on it ..(sort of like a "shop vac") to run carbon once a month or so (for 24-48 hrs) and to do the occasional vacuming out of the sump (which is under the stand and hard to get a siphon going) ...
I like that filter in particular because it lends itself so well to the "portable" setup...with its media chamber and handy carrying handle...
But I would not reccomend setting it up on a "permenant " basis...because it can "compeate" with the LR/LS as bacterial/biological surface area...
Most tanks with adaquate Live Rock and sand do not need "additional" surface area for biological filtration, just healthier populations of bacteria on the surface area they already have...
IE: oxygen and flow..


Active Member
Squidd, I thought I was following you and then got confused!
The Magnum 350 Deluxe Pro comes with a biowheel also. Are you saying if I get one I should get the basic Magnum 350 (which is even cheaper) without the biowheel, only run it occassionally to run carbon? and continue to rely on the LR LS for filtration. Is there another way to polish the water with a protein skimmer and 3 MaxiJet1200 PH's.


Active Member

Originally posted by scoobydoo
.... Are you saying if I get one I should get the basic Magnum 350 (which is even cheaper) without the biowheel, only run it occassionally to run carbon?
and continue to rely on the LR LS for filtration.
Is there another way to polish the water with a protein skimmer and 3 MaxiJet1200 PH's.

Well the question to you then is..what exactly are you "polishing"...?
What effect are you looking for..??
The carbon will get rid of the greenish/yellowish "tinge" to the water and a good bit of "particulate" matter (little "floaties"...)
or if it's just the particulate matter you can stuff the "media chamber" with filter floss for a "mechanical" scrubbing...
Either way you shouldn't "need" the Bio wheels on an established system...
They are a good way to "tide over" a new tank with insufficient LR (till you get more) or a FO tank with no LR...
Once the water is "cleaned" it should stay clean for a couple again no need to run 24/7..


Active Member
Squidd, i got a new idea from a different thread.
"If you can find carbon in pouches, you can just float them in the water. If you cant find pouches, just buy one of the jars full of it and you can use nylon stockings as a homemade pouch.
Just make sure to rinse off both the carbon and the nylon.
Also, use only carbon made specifically for aquarium use or they may have high phosphates or worse."
Ihave a drawstring bag specifically made for aquariums and Black Diamond Premium Activated Carbon by Marineland that I used to add to my Eclipse system.
I have it tied to the side of the tank because it's too heavy to float and this way I'm sure it won't get stuck on anything. I figured I give it a couple days and see what happens. My tank isn't cloudy or yellow. The tests are normal. It just doesn't look as clear as some of the pictures I've seen on here. I have three PH's with prefilters and a protein skimmer with a prefilter that I clean every couple of days maybe its just floaties.
What do you think?


Active Member
"Floating" a bag or even putting it in a "sump" is an ineffecient way to run carbon...
Forcing water through it and keeping the granuals "suspended" and more surface area in contact with the water will work much quicker and better..
There will be more water turnover in a moving setup than a stationary "floater"...and more chance for things to be removed...


Active Member
back to the drawing board
I'm leaning toward the Magnum 350, although its only rate for 100 gallons, 395gph (?) but I think it would be okay if I'm only running it occassionally. Thanks for your input.


Active Member
The 100 gallon "rating" is due to the limited biological filtration surface area available..but your not needing that...
Filling the media container with a lb of carbon and running it 24-48 hrs works just fine on my 210...


I use this one day a week, i hang it on the back of the tank, with a micron cartridge and it makes the tankso crystal clear you cant tell there is water in the tank ( Maybe a little embleshment) . for 40 bucks it has been the greatest tool for my tanks. You can move it between tanks and it is easy to clean the micron. I love it, wouldnt be with out it.
and it uses the same carbon chamber as the 350 magnum. at least look at this product before you lean toward the canister type, i have both, i use the HOT and the other sits in the basement, empty


Active Member

Originally posted by TapeWorm
What do you think about tubes like these for carbon and such?

Hard to tell flow from pic, but it looks like it might be going from the UV "Down" through the tubes...
It would be more effective if it was flowing "up" and holding media in suspension...ala fluidized bed filter/reactor...
Flowing down is better than "sitting" in a bag, but the media can "pack" and water "shed" over the top rather than contacting all surfaces..


het scoobydoo,bought a magnum 350 3wks ago then it just stopped pumping,brought it back to petsmart they replaced it,came home and relized someone brought this one back too.bags opened parts missing,the parts that were missing were trivial so i set it up anyway,couldnt get it to run,so good luck.