

what are you planning to put in the tank again I cant remember but the best filter for a saltwater tank is a natural filter using LR and sand to fdo the filtering and useing good water flow and movement.
I use hang on filters but on for surface agitation there is no filter media in them.


Active Member
i would get a filter rated for at least a 50 gal tank for your 30 gal tank. a 10 gal filter will be good enough to keep a 10 gal tank clean with 1 fish. people seem to either put fish in their tanks that are too big for the tank that they have or they overstock their tanks. in either case i would go ahead and put a bigger filter on.
the number of gallons per hour a filter will filter depends on the pump attached to the filter and how much media is in the filter.
example: a rena filstar xp3 is rated for a 125 gal tank and is rated at 350 gph (with no filter media in it) once you put in the 4 foam sponges, carbon bag, bio rings, and micro filtration pad you cut the gph probably in half.


Active Member
i have a HOB filter, if i take out the carbon part and add crushed lr will this do the same job? how do i clean it?? anything else i should know???