filtrating with eel


My snowflake is 20 inches long and i have a yellow tang and 2 blue damsels and a 5 inch volitan. I have 2 fluvals for filtration and i'm beginning to think it isnt enough. My tank gets dirty fast full of algae and the sand bed ger gross. I have an undergravel filter with 2 powerheads that pump out 1000 gph (it is a 110 gallon) Any thought on what else i need?? What does eberyone else have for filtration on tank same size (or close) with a big eel???? HIs waste is ENORMOUS and eats 3 jumbo shrimp every 2 days :)
please help!!!


Active Member
On my 125 I have a Fluval 404, a 40 gal. sump with 2 700 gal/hr pumps, a Magnum 350 canister, 3 200 gal/hr powerheads, a skimmer and a 36W sterilizer. It is populated with 2 bamboo sharks (a 24" female and a 15" male), 2 California rays (a 10" female and a 12" male), a 12" Volatin lion and a 30" Zebra moray. The rays do a good job with sand turnover and everything stays really clean. How big are your Fluvals? How long are your lights on and what kind are they? Do you use RO/DI water? All of these could be contributing factors. IMO, I would keep one Fluval just to run some carbon and invest in a wet/dry.


Active Member
What kind of clean-up crew do you have?
RO/DI water?
How often do you feed the other fish in the tank?
How long are your lights on per day?
Is the algae in your tank red cyano?


i'd say the lights too i used to leave mine on for a long time and now i got them on a timer and a good clean up crew well until my trigger eats them but i don't get anything on my sand just some spots on my glass and i have a messy trigger and a 16" moray eel


i use to keep my lights on to long but i cut back (i use to stay out reallly late) what is RO/RI water??? fluval 404 and 304 on them and 2 powerheads... clean up crew is tons of hermits and snails... i get perrywinkles at the beach and they do a good job.. it is the red algae mostly but also a dark green... i got some grass shrimp (2 reasons: 1) to feed lion, and 2) to eat algae.. i hope this works, i am going to upgrade in the winter, i think i need to! thanks


that ro/di is a device in a simple way to put it you hook it up to your new water when you do a water change and it takes out all the crap and that is what causes the red alage instead of using straight tap


What are perrywinkles? How do you catch them? I just moved to Florida so all and almost any beach terminology is new to me.


perrywinkles are black snails that are near me... I live in MASS. I woudl think in florida there would be tons of stuff to put for a natural clean up crew. I just go to the beach and catch snails, crabs, shrimp and hermit crabs to clean up... workin so far... i hope they stay clean!