filtration for a 200g,magnum 350 enough or more?


I have a magnum 350(canaister type)and 330 magnum bio wheel back filter,but am having trouble with amonia levels,and have only two fish now,any solutions? my lion fish is only about 7 1/2 inches long and my panther grouper is only 4 inches long,and a couple of anenomies,so i didn't think this was over crowded at all.Help please,any body.Thanks in advance. A.S.

mr . salty

Active Member
How long has this tank been setup?? What else is in the tank???(live rock,Live sand or crushed coral,) I don't think that is near enough filter for a tank that big...NOT EVEN CLOSE.You should be filtering at about 7 times the tanks total EVERY HOUR.Your filter is barly doing this once...Also,Any ammonia at all is a sign of trouble.What are the rest of your water readings???Ammonia,nitrite,nitrate,and Ph???????


Yeah, I hate to burst your bubble, but I am running a Magnum 350 on my 75 gallon. It is working well, but I also have a bunch of live rock, a deep bed with UGF (being replaced with a much better deep sand bed), and I am using a protein skimmer. While this works OK for my set up, and I upgrading my skimmer, and as I said moving to a 4" live deep sand bed on top of my 65 pounds of live rock.
This hobby isn't cheap, but if you pay a little more now, you will save in the long run.


I custom built a wet dry for my 135, it cost me like 40 in materials (not including the pump) I have it driven by a mag 7 and it filters the entire tank like 6 times an hour. YOU CAN NEVER HAVE TOO BIG OF A FILTER!! :) i have a bio wheel designed for a 55 on my 30 gallon and a 150 gallon wet dry on my 55. That is not including my protien skimmers Think big when it comes to filters!


thanks guys!I guess im in need of a new filter,plus my 350,mabey two 350's,and my 330 bio wheel?i hope this works. A.S.


Send the magnum to the big dumpster in the sea! Had mine for 9 years, maybe used it 3 out of the 9, well, welcome to 50 gallons of water on the floor, the impeller system just wore through the housing! YIKES!