Filtration Question



Yes, I will post this in the equip. forum, but I know you all... so I'm also posting here.
I have had a Fluval 304 running in my tank for about a month. I also run a whisper with fluval stones and a skilter. One LFS recommended the Fluval. Another LFS suggest that the Fluval is lousy and home for a lot of crap. They recommend getting rid of it and adding to my LR. (I have 35-40lbs and will upgrade slowly). Of course they recommend eventually getting a sump... at the cost of about $700.00. Can't do that yet.
I'm Fish, Some inverts (no corals), and LR with a DSB.
So... should I return the Fluval and add 20 more lbs of LR for alternative filtration? They also recommended cleaning the Fluval once a week! That my good bacteria is mostly in my rock and sand and that cleaning (rinsing) the Fluval will not harm my good bacteria.... hmmmm
Keep in mind that my tank is only a month old and is at capacity with fish and inverts.
Thanks all. Sandy


Active Member
i would dump the fluval, and as far as a sump goes, you can build one as easily as you can hook one up(almost),and do it for much less htan 700, with the pump, maybe 100 give or take


Yeah, I just cleaned it out... rinsing the media in saltwater to preserve as much good bacteria as possible. It was a yucky mess. My question is this... I can't afford to do a sump just yet and it will take some research. Is it a good idea to get rid of the fluval now (because it is less than 30 days)... and add about 20lbs well-cured LR? This would leave only the Skilter filter (with carbon and a foam pad) plus a Whisper (with fluval stones) for filtration. The LR would be up to about 60lbs though. Will this be enough?
I do have a Yellow Head Sleeper Goby who is good at picking up the crap outta the sand. And a serpent star. Plus 7 Hermits. What do you think?


The other option is to keep the fluval for now and clean it once a week. But then it would take me longer to add the LR. (Can't afford it - I would take the $$$ from the return of the Fluval for the extra LR)


u do not have to clean the fluval once a week! it is not recommended. not everything the lfs tells u is true. u only rinse the carbon bags and leave the other media baskets that are full of those white things. (these store all your bacteria). some people just dont want to read the instructions! trust me i have two fluval 404s for my 90 gallon and they work fine. some lr would be a good idea for your tank but you must remember that this (Live Rock) really is not a REAL **** remover.


Active Member
for your question, i have a 75 gallon wiht 110lbs of live rock, and a dsb, with water movement, that is all i use, no canister filters or anything like that, youskilter and whisper should be fine with lr for now, depending on how big the tank
especially if you have good water movement, like powerheads too


Okay, here is what I have:
35-40lbs LR, 40lbs Natures Ocean Sand, 20 lbs cc sand and about 5 lbs Live Sand from LFS = 65lbs DSB. The Fluval acts as the powerhead on the left top. There is a powerhead on the right top. Two small powerheads on the bottom behind the rock (left and right). Whisper Filter with Fluval Stones. Skilter with Dual Filter (carbon and foam), plus protein skimming. (Of course 2 heaters, one on each side).
Small clean-up crew: 7 Hermits, 3 snails, 1 serpent star, 3 pepperment shrimp, 1 cleaner shrimp, 1 yellow head sleeper goby.
Here's the thing Fshhub... *if* I return the Fluval, I'll only get about $120.00 to spend. I'd need to get another powerhead, leaving me about $100.00 for more LR -- well cured LR this amounts to about 11 more lbs LR for now.
So, I'm wondering (everyone).. would it be better to keep the Fluval for circulation and filtration and add to the LR each month. The current LR and other filtration will be the host for bacteria, leaving me free to clean the Fluval out once or twice a month.
OR -- Just Chuck the Fluval and add 10lbs more LR now and more later. Thing is I need to do this soon if I want my money back on the Fluval.
Thanks. Sandy.


ps @ fshhub: I DID read your post. Thanks for your patience. I just want to be SURE that 50 lbs LR with my current filtration (minus the Fluval) will be okay in this new tank.