Filtration question.


ok I am relativly new to the saltwater world, and I have a 30g that has been up for about 3 months. I have a hang on the back filter designed for a 55g tank. I have the opportunity to get a wet/dry filtration system for free, all I have to do is replace the pump. The question is are these a good source of filtration for a reef tank. I know nothing about these, and need some info. Any help? I plan on adding a protein skimmer within the next month as well.
Thanks in advance


Active Member
wet/dry systems are old technology.they produce too many nitrates.
i guted mine out and turned it into a sump with a rubbermaid 18 gallon tote fuge draining into it.
alot better set up.


Active Member
Either way of filtration will work. The wet/dry will be better because it gives you option to hide your equipment, plus, it makes your tank volume larger.


Active Member
are you saying a wet/dry is a better set up than a sump/fuge?
my old wet/dry held 20 gallons and my sump holds 40.


I have an old wet/dry that I have converted to a holding tank in my cabinet- holds the skimmer, return pump, heater, etc.
I would go to the fuge, but I need to change the setup to not suck up all the plants etc.


ok well whats the differance between a sump and a wet dry? Can I convert the wet dry to a sump/fuge? what would be needed?


Active Member
first i am not saying a wet/dry is bad they do filter but a sump/fuge has been proven to be superior.
here is a pic of mine
from left to right
fuge with two bulk head geavity drains to my old wet/dry.
two sides to the sump left side holds my skimmer,heaters,phosphate reactor then baffled into the return pump.
my tank has two drain tubes one is in the fuge and the other in the skimmer section of the sump.
if you only have one drain tube "t" it into two and do the same.
it is a simple set up
just need some chato algea about $10 a bag of sand and a light ,i use a 26 watt energy saver bulb i put on 12 hrs.a day. the chato will live and grow off the nitrates and phosphates in the tank.
there is a great post about a refuge at the top of the reef fish forum.


Active Member
No, I was just answering the original question of HOB or wet/dry.
I prefer a sump over a wet/dry, but either one of those will work as well. You can convert the wet/dry into a sump/fuge just by taking out the bioballs and putting macro algae in that section. Get a small, light to sit next to the side of the wet/dry (Home Depot has small power compact 65 k lights), and voila, you have a "sump/fuge". I used this set-up on my 75 and my chaeto grew incredibly.


Active Member
i was going to just use the old wet/dry but my octo skimmer is so damn big it took up most of the i bought the rubbermaid tote.
it added 15 more gallons so it was worth it.
you can see in my pic i ground all the dividers and shelf rails.probably would have been easier to buy a 20 gall on fish tank by the time i was done
its ugly but works great.
i will try to get a pic of it running.