filtration system for several tanks


New Member
Hello! I am new to the salt water hobby and need some advice. I work for a pet store that is starting salt water for the first time. The new owners have no knowledge and i have only dealt with freshwater. We will be having 6 33 gallon longs with dividers. I don't know what kind of filtration system to use and I know we will need a protein skimmer(s) and power heads. I really have very little knowledge so please bear with my ignorance :), thanks!


Active Member
Wouldn't you be better off talking to a wholesaler or looking in a trade publication? I have a central system; but it was built a little at a time and for my specific needs. Central systems are very common in pet stores; but I doubt that they are built by amateurs. I'm sure any wholesaler can at least point you in the right direction.


New Member
I have been trying to get a hold of our wholesalers but they've been closed. I wanted to get a variety of opinions so I decided to check out hobbyists' opinions as well.


Well-Known Member

Welcome to the site!
The ones I see in LFSs set everything up just like regular folks with a sump system and just put dividers in the tanks..everything is in the back. The dividers have holes in them so it seperates the critters but not the water they live in.


Active Member
LFS tanks in my area usually run wey/dry systems for the tanks they keep the fish in. For their reef tanks, they usually run a refugium sump with massive ammounts of macro algae and little to none bio balls. Your main filtration in reef tanks, is live rock.


Well-Known Member
I have never setup multiple tanks in a system so I guess I am just anyone.

To me I would insure that the entire system and possibly each tank has massive amounts of macro algaes like cheotommorphia, caulerpa, halimidia, red grape and so on to balance out, stablize, and maintain the system.
Even if it took egg crate partitions in each tank to accomplish that.
If I were a shop I would sell DIY two part chemicals and test kits to maintain magnesium, calcium, and alk.
For people new to saltwater I would provide a simple in tank refugium with macro algaes and lights to get them started in the right manner.
But who am I? Just anyone.

and worth at most .02


Active Member
Stores like ***** around where I live use UVs, they don't have powerheads, if you have the return at one in and the overflow at other creates a decent enough current to house the fish. Outside of the stores that just sell fish, I think the mentality is to just set up a system that can house livestock 1-2 weeks max. You will need a UV to help fight outbreaks, you won't have a QT system setup, so any extra help to keep your tank parasite free will help.

mr. limpid

Active Member
Just my thoughts. I would use 100gal. tank fill it with live rock use 6 seperate pumps with in line UV on each (have each tank over flow into 100gal. tank). Also may need to set up seperate QT when you do get sick fish from wholesalers. If you want customers coming back you don't want sick fish in with your health ones. Also learn all you can about SWF, your customers will be asking you question and they expect you to know more than them. Good luck with the store.
My LFS uses one of those huge rubbermaid tough troughs. I believe there actual use is for cattle water but you can get ones that are food safe. This thing holds like 400 gallons. All is tanks go to it where he has tons of live rock and chaeto with a couple strong lights. And then a big ole skimmer. This would be a cheap way to go maybe and effective.