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by custom are you meaning diy?? and do you recommend diy? or should i just invest in the one at my lfs i think its like $140.. not sure what brand it is tho.. they are on display so there is no boxes or anything.. they are insump tho.. anyways if there is any additional info that involves links and whatnot feel free to please email me!!
Yes, I meant DIY when I said custom.
I'm not going to take a definate stance on other people doing DIY or purchacing. I am collecting parts and data for my own protien skimmer, mostly from scientific curiosity. I want to test some theories I've read. If you want to really understand how it works, or if you have really limited space under your stand, it would be a good idea to DIY. If you just want something that works well and isn't too much trouble, go buy a good one.