
el bob

ok i messed up in the beginnig b/c i was a rookie and bought a canister filter for a corner tank and I am making it into a reef tank. So the tank is not drilled and I am in the process of making my reef. I have a pendant light for lighting. I am picking up my protein skimmer today, I have several power heads and My BIG question is, since I am using a canister filter, what other things will I need to have a healthy reef. Filtration wise.


Ok heres the deal, ---- the canister get some money back from it.
Buy a refuge sump tank, with a protien skimmer, heater, if it comes with bio balls throw them out, and buy enough live rock rubble to replace them. Buy about a pound of live rock per gallon for the tank itself and if your gonna do sand only do an inch or 2 at most.
You will want a return pump that puts 40x the tank water through it an hour so a 50 gallon tank would pump 2000gph.
I recommend the CPR oveflows with the Utube the ones without u tubes are natorious for stopping when your not around which can be a disaster.
Protien skimmers I recommend ehiem if you can afford it or coralife are a cheaper alternative that is still quality.
I buy all my stuff online makes it much cheaper, Again... do not post competitor sites. Thanks.

If you need some detailed help or want me to walk through what to buy item by item email me and I can go into details.
Corner tanks are great I'm sure in the end you'll be happy but don't go making a bunch of bad buys trying to get the canister to work. They are outdated refuges are easier, better and cheaper in the long run.


Active Member
Originally Posted by El Bob
journeyman, i think u have helped me more than all the other guys combined, good man
Thank you. Glad I've been able to help. My first tank, about 15 years ago was a disater. Hope I can help others avoid that....