

I have a serious problem with cyano. Its a 29gal with about 20lbs of LR. I have a live sand bed with assorted corrals. I also have a clown fish, a falco hawkfish, severl hermits and snails. I have a Dual Satellite light from Current. I have an Aqua C Remora skimmer. And a crappy hob filter from wal-mart. From the time I have started the tank about a year now I have had a algae or cyano problem. Everytime I check my water everything is perfect. Not to mention my water is crystal clear. I had a phosphate reactor for awhile to battle diatom algae and now its gone and cyano has replaced it. Its everywhere. It even grows in my phosphate reactor. I have removed the reactor and it smelled horrible. I figured that it was a nitrate trap. I figure nitrates are not showing up in the test because the cyano is consumming it. Could it possibly be poor filtration? What kind of filter should I get if thats the problem? I would like a canister filter of some type. Any help would be appreciated.


I would think that zero NO3 would = zero algae (eventually it starves...). Have you tried going shorter on the light cycle for a while to see if this cuts down on the growth? I would also try a HOB fuge and pack it full of chaeto instead of filter. You can put some carbon infront of the return.
Good luck.


I`ve tried to lower my light cycle. I have also tried different water change times and amounts. Do you think a HOB fuge would be better than investing in a good filter? The filter I have now is a cheap walmart filter it uses a carbon filled cartridge. Would it be ok to add more LR while I am having this HUGE cyano problem. I know it will start a mini cycle if I add too much new LR at once. I am really at a loss as is my LFS. I mean I can go in there with a turkey baster and remove 95% of the cyano and two days later its all back in full force.


Active Member
What I had to do to finally get rid of mine was drastically increase flow. I was trying to increase flow using maxi jets and that didn't work. Too much concentrated flow. So I went with wide flow pumps and now my flow is about 35 times turnover and I have yet to have a problem. And I am going to add another 12 to 15 times turnover for a total of about 50. I don't believe this will affect my softies at all because of how the flow is distrubited.


sounds like nutrients in the sand bed, will not read in the water column. Just went through this, red algae and brown diatom everywhere after a year and half. Checked the sand bed smelled like rotten eggs, Hydrogen Sulfate build up. My tank is bare bottom now