

Active Member
Ok Ok I think I may have got it. The overflow has a pvc pipe running up through a hole. The water comes from like cracks(teeth) on the bottom and comes up and falls into the pvc pipe into the sump? Correct? Is this what it means reef ready?


Active Member
Ok here are better pics I found. I think I get it, but what do I ask for when I ask for the tank. Is this called reef ready? Or do I ask for an overflow? Should I do one or two?



Ok I suck at paint and need a new camera I guess close but the theeth are on the top water flows down through them the water level in the overflow is dictated by the height of the PVC and the water height in the display is dictated by the height of the teeth. If I can get away from the kids I will try paint.


Active Member
I think I get it. So the teeth are at the top. Does a higher pvc pipe mean less noise? What do I ask the seller? How much does it cost to add (one or two?) overflow/s?


yes the higher the pvc the less noise. the standpipe page i sent you to before also is a really good thing to quite it down. you should go to the equipment page and ask some of thoose guys there on how many how big in a 270 i would personally like to see three at 1 1/2 and maybe 2 in.


Active Member
Three overflows? I was thinking two rounded in each back corner. It can't be to straight because the sharks need room to move.


Right two round in the corner would more than likey be fine. If a reef tank than I would say a third in the middle. They don't take up to much room really some of the diy guys build there own.