filtraton for a reef tank help


New Member
i have a 125 tank been going for a year now fish living live rock ok all levels are good but now i am starting to add coral and i got the lights and coral trace elemets and reef dna but i was told my filters r not going to do the job that carbon will pull out the additives i am puting in out i have a wet dry 125 a skimmer and 2 magnum 350 cans noe if i dont run carbon in the tank ot starts to smell and brown algi grows out of control i have been doing to 10% watter changes weekley and still no luck no death yet but the smell is over powering my house what is the best way of filtering this tank

nm reef

Active Member
mikey...first ...welcome to the best board on the may want to move this topic to the reef section......probably will get more attention over there
Now as for filtration.....I keep a 55 reef and my filtration consists of the following:
100+lbs of LR
100 lbs of LS(in the display)
CPR Bac Pac 2r skimmer (in my refugium)
millinium 3000(in the refugium...with no media....except for monthly carbon/phosphate sponge)
30 gal refugium with 60 lbs LS and assortment of caulpera
above is the combination of filtration........also I maintain calcium @ 450 ppm..alkalinity @ 2.8-3.5 meg/ @ 8.3.......and I use only ro/di water for all top-off & water change :cool:

silent bob

your best bet is setting up a 55 or 75 gal. sump.using either a wet/dry or ls with pumps a berlin skimmer and sticking you heater and all that good stuff in there also setting up a refugium is a good idea, it looks cool and is very efficient also