Fin And Tail Rot Blues


New Member
I Have A Jaw Trigger With Fin Rot And I Can't Seem To Get Him Healed Up....i Used Melafix--did A Water Change--now I Am Using Maracyn Drops---am Almost Done With The Treatment And It Has Made Very Little Improvement ....all Of My Levels Are Perfect.....i Am Going To Try The Melafix Again After I Do A Good Water Change.....anybody Have This Problem????


Staff member
Adding so many things that should not be added to the aquarium may be a serious contributing factor. Please stop that practice.
Provide water readings, size of tank, food fed to fish and frequency, and, if possible, a picture of the frayed finned fish.


New Member
I Have A 55 Gal. Tank----fish Only.....i Have A Hippo Tang, Maroon Clown, Copperband, Coral Beauty, Porcupine Puffer, And The Jaw Trigger

i Know That's Crowded

i Am Going To Get A 75 Or 90 In The Next Few Weeks

my Nitrates And Nitrites Are Both At 0, My Salt Is At 1.019....ammonia Is Fine....note

before I Put The Trigger In , I Had A Fox Face Tang Die Overnight......i'm Just Wondering If His Venom Came Out Into The Water When He Died----cause That's When This All Started.....


New Member
Beth, I Feed Them In The Morning And At Night.....brine Shrimp, Flake, And Some Form. Two Algae Food----all Soaked In Garlic And Vitamins......