fin and tail rot


New Member
the water is fine. he has fin and tail rot. i gave him maracyn for the last two days but hes no longer swimming just struggling to breathe. his right fin is just about half way deteriated and whitish spots are on his body. not like ich spots but blotches


Staff member
You put Maracyn in your tank? Do you have live rock?
You really need a cycled quarantine tank to treat with antibiotics. How long have you had this fish?


New Member
well the poor guy died. i fell asleep at 3 and by 8 he was gone. to answer your questions there is no live rock in the 30 gal hospital tank. its been up and running for about 7 or 8 months. just got the fish no more than 2 weeks ago. i went away for 1 night and when i came back i noticed he wasnt using his fin anymore but still acting normally otherwise(eating and swimming around). the next day he was being treated. just seemed to worsen really fast but showed no signs and seemed pretty happy before i left. also whats this thread i heard about? im new to the mb so i dont know where everything is but if its the 1st topic by beth then no, nothing about this disease. if anyone has come across this disease and treated it successfully than please let me know how so i can be more prepared next time


Staff member
Frayed fins is a symptom of a bacterial infection. For marine fish Maracyn Two for SW fish is a better choice of antibiotic.
Sorry to hear this happened. Nice size hospital tank.


New Member
you have no idea on how hard i tried to get mar-2. called 3 petcos and asked them for the sw version. they all said yes they have it, so i drive there only to find that no one can read the difference between salt and fresh. so after cursing out the 3rd manger and asking them how stupid can you be, they give me some crap in a blue bottle called melafix. it did nothing but make my tank smell. so after driving about 60 miles being an hour and a half late to work i got nothing to show for my troubles besides a dead fish, a smelly bottle and less patience for those at *****.


Staff member
Actually, you could use the FW version....however, it lacks the B vitimins which seems to make a difference with SW fish.
Melefix is a snake oil treatment.