fin rot and ick question


I have a tang that got ick back in Feb. I started hypo and the ick disappeared. Using a swing arm hydrometer was not accurate enough so the ick came back. The first week of April I was out of town so I left the tang alone and hoped he would be alive when I returned. upon returning he was still alive. He has good color and eating good, but still has ick. I am going to start cooper as soon as I get the salt back up. I noticed the last day or two that he has fin rot also. the water is temp. 78-79, ammo.- 0, trites.- 0, trates- 40 (high), Ph.- 8.2. What I want to know is can I start using Maracyn-two while still in hypo, and use it while using cooper? Thanks.


I am switching because I have know way to measure the Salinty and nobody near by sells a refractormeter, but they have the cooper and test kits. I would rather do hypo but can't find the refrator any where. Thanks for the info on Maracyn- two


Terry I am not sure if the LFS have them or not I will check tomorrow. I know they don't carry the cupramine cooper I have already checked. I am going to go ahead and start the Maracyn-two tonight since his fins look like they are rotting off, and will check the other things tomorrow. thanks Terry and Anthem.