Fin rot - take or leave the fish?


New Member
I have a chance to get some free fish, though they have some fin rot. The owner said it's b/c they've had the fish more than two years, but from what I read (briefly), it's a disease symptom - would you take the fish or not - quarantine them if you would?
ALSO, would you buy live rock from this same person if the live rock was in the tank with the fin rot fish? I don't want my tank to get anything!!!


Active Member
Originally Posted by amelia
I have a chance to get some free fish, though they have some fin rot. The owner said it's b/c they've had the fish more than two years, but from what I read (briefly), it's a disease symptom - would you take the fish or not - quarantine them if you would?
ALSO, would you buy live rock from this same person if the live rock was in the tank with the fin rot fish? I don't want my tank to get anything!!!
If you are going to take them, without a doubt they should be quarentined and treated.


Originally Posted by seannmelly
If you are going to take them, without a doubt they should be quarentined and treated.
I definately agree. QT them for three weeks, you don't know what other infections they could be carrying. As for the rock, I would set up a rubbermaid tub with a heater and a few powerheads and leave the rock in there for three weeks. You don't know what other diseases were in the tank. Although rock cannot host parasites, it can have them resting on it's surface.


Active Member
It depends on how much they want for the rock. I don't think fin rot is a disease or whatever that can live in live rock. I think it's bacterial and it shouldn't be able to live without a host. I'm pretty sure it would be fine to get the rock. I'm sure other people will chime in and be able to help you more.


New Member
They're asking $50 for 75 pounds - so, that's why I'm interested. I like the idea of sort of quarantining the live rock - would I have to do power heads with it - or would just a heater and giving some fresh water daily for a few weeks work? We haven't purchased a qt yet (working on deciding what size, etc.) - maybe this great deal on the live rock would be a good reason to get one started. :)
Thanks for your input guys - I'll still take more, so keep it coming - I'll check this through tomorrow...


Originally Posted by amelia
They're asking $50 for 75 pounds - so, that's why I'm interested. I like the idea of sort of quarantining the live rock - would I have to do power heads with it - or would just a heater and giving some fresh water daily for a few weeks work? We haven't purchased a qt yet (working on deciding what size, etc.) - maybe this great deal on the live rock would be a good reason to get one started. :)
That is a great deal, I would go for it! Yes, you definately need water movement in the rock tank. Rocks get dead spots, you have to keep the water moving. Definately get a qt tank asap. You can avoid parasites completely if you quarantine all new arrivals.


Active Member
Originally Posted by sepulatian
That is a great deal, I would go for it! Yes, you definately need water movement in the rock tank. Rocks get dead spots, you have to keep the water moving. Definately get a qt tank asap. You can avoid parasites completely if you quarantine all new arrivals.