FIn trimming???


I was looking for a store i can buy rose coral (not normally found in the trade) and found an online shop that sells it and some fish they collect as well. While reading their guarantees i found out they trim the fins on their fish... Is that bad for the fish??? I dont know if i want a fish that had its fins trimmed.
Is fin trimming bad or common???


Active Member
I have heard of doing that in a case of fin rot. And also a species of Koi but I dont know why...


Active Member
I woudnt call the police, birds get their wings clipped, dogs and cats get spayed...I've got no idea why anyone would trikm fins, but i wouldnt call the police.


Active Member
Yes fins grow back under normal conditions. Fish nip and bite other fishes fins all the time and they grow back as long as the damage is not so bad that it causes other problems...