Final Answer, How many hours needed for ....


shark bait

Originally Posted by Aztec Reef
Coraline grows under any standard light, Intensity has nothing to do with it.
Coraline:= Time , good flow, Good cal, Alk & magnesium levels+ days.
How many drags does it take to smoke a cigar?

true light time has nothing to do with it..


when we are talking about good flow are we saying that we should direct the powerheads to hit the rocks directly ? Or are you saying just a good turnover rate in the tank in general.


Originally Posted by WEBER518
when we are talking about good flow are we saying that we should direct the powerheads to hit the rocks directly ? Or are you saying just a good turnover rate in the tank in general.
Good turn over rate throughout the tank with no dead spots (areas where no flow gets).
Important as well is ripple effect at the top of the water as it will help break up that oily look that acumilates at the top.


Active Member
Originally Posted by WEBER518
when we are talking about good flow are we saying that we should direct the powerheads to hit the rocks directly ? Or are you saying just a good turnover rate in the tank in general.
good turnover ratye in general is what you want to shoot for, but having one blasting at a rock actually helps my theory is that the coraline particles adhere better on contact or should I say impact (in my expiriment I had one powerhed pointing directly at the acryllic and glass pieces from a distance of about 14" so it was fairly vigorous flow).

jon in tx

I believe the amount of live rock in your tank is a factor also.
I know the coral line algae is supposed to be good for the tank but I don't care for the looks of it. I get out a razor scrapper periodically and scrap it off the my glass (mainly the back of the tank).

shark bait

This is my 330 shark tank that I moved into my bonus room upstairs, it only took a year for the purple to show up, but given it was a shark tank it has the best water conditions and I looked after it alot. All live sand, and the best rock from Fiji, Tonga and Marshall Islands I could find for the shark. 2 hours of early sun light 1/4 power, 4 hours of full noon light and 2 of 1/2 light at dusk. Then my room has another hour of sunset light from the outside. My room has windows on all 3 sides. I could get buy with out the light as the shark would do fine, but i have a chiller and enjoy the viewing when the light is on.