Final chace on a 180 complete...


Active Member
I have dropped the price a little on the tank. I will take 2700$ for it. It is a complete 180 gallon tank. Stand and custom canopy included. Built in over flows for reef ready.
3 175 10k ushio bulbs
3 actinic VHO
1 50/50 bulb
3 timers
Filtration and additives:
Kent 35 gpd RO/DI unit
kent 2.5 gallon doser
Custom calcium reactor with secondary reactor (complete)
PH controller. Need a solenod. works without as a monitor
appx. 40 gallon acrylic sump
Berlin classic Skimmer w/mag 5 pump
2 300w heaters
Around 100-150 lbs of live rock
Some live sand
Iwaki pump for return
3 powerheads in tank and 2 extra
Some of the live stock:
3 Orange Anthias
2 Blue Chromis
1 Maroon clown
Purple tang
many snails and crabs
some brittle stars
Corals: (Can't name them all)
Green leather. sinularia
Finger leather. Big
Umbrella Leather (2 diffrent kinds)
Colt (really Big)
Red Brain (2 types Lobo)
Green Brain
Carpet Brain
Red and Green Brain
Cup Coral (big)
Plate Coral
And many shrooms polyps and more......
I have dropped the price due to the fact I will be moving sooner than I thought. Must Pick Up and I will help dis-assemble and Re-assemble if you don't live too far away. Just about any where in Central NC and South Central VA will be close enough.
Will go on E-Bay if no hits here. Reserve there will be what I am asking here. This is (of course) less than I paid for the inital setup without the corals and most of the equipment.
You can view images (although not good ones) at my web site.
Click on the www button below and click on photos.
E-Mail me if interasted:


Just wanted to say WOW. Awsome deal for a serious hobbiest! too bad i didn't see this when i started


Man I hate being poor, that looks like my dream setup. Oh well, one of these years the lord will bless me.


Active Member
Being poor is part of the fun! It's always exciting to figure out how to pay your utility after you buy that "got to have" coral!
If it werent for that we'd all have more money.


Yeah, I know what you mean wamp, Its just that i'm at a crossroads, while my livestock is low, I'd like to make some major changes, like from cc to dsb, install a sump and refugium. And the wife says nothing else for the tank, until she gets new carpet. Bad part is we do need it, and it needs to be done before I make my changes, because the tank will be sitting on it. And your right, Part of the fun of this hobby is to set goals, and figure out how to reach them.


Shoot me an email if this deal falls through for some reason, I only just saw this deal but am very interested.