final compromising on lighting system


Hello. sorry to keep posting things on my lighting system but just had one last question to ask.
Few days ago, I purchased a PC lighting set with two 65 smartlite bulbs. I've gotten many opinions that it was not enough lighting for my 75 gallon soon to be reef.
So I was wondering, with my other flourscent lighting, could I add those onto my pc lighting? Have two lightings above? And that would make 2x65 + 2x40 = 210 watt. I would change the bulbs in flourscent lighting to a stronger one that current one of course.
please post your opinion on this one. so far I am very excited that I actually thought of something without spending more money. ;)


Hi Vince...I'm currently in lighting decision-hell myself, and actually, your threads have been helpful!
From what I've read, you can use combos of PC/NO or VHO. In fact, some things that I've read say that the PC's don't have a really true blue, so it's best to make your NO or VHO your actinic bulbs.
I still just have a lovely 40w strip that came with my tank (used) so I can't give you personal experience yet.
Good luck...hopefully I'll be there soon too. :)


If you wanted to keep low light corals towards the bottom and moderate light corals fairly close to the surface I would think you could pull it off.
The species you will have to choose from will be limited though.


Misty, I'm glad my endless questions; posts have been helpful to you ;)
Plato, I also have two 65 watt pc lighting + two 40 watt flourscent lighting. You sure that would still not be enough?