Active Member
I ordered a 4ft by18in deep and 25 high, one store said it was a 95 and one said an 80 and one said a 90. I am getting a UV sterilizer, and a canister and I will get a Protein Skimmer a month after. I'm doing a FOWLR and this is my fish list
2 percula clowns
1white spotted puffer
1yellow eyed tang
1longnose butterfly
I'm not getting any shrimps because the white spot will eat them, I was going to get shrimp and not get the puffer but I would only get the shimps because they would get parasites but that is what the UV would do som I'm going with the puffer. Is this overstocking or understocking or just right, if its understocking I would like to get a lawn mower blenny or some sort of alagea eater but I have a feeling the Tang will take care of that. I am also adding that I'm not buying a quarantine tank becuase the store quarantines there fishes, I am going to get a hospital tank though for the emergencies which pop up.
Thanks for all the help you all have given me along the way
2 percula clowns
1white spotted puffer
1yellow eyed tang
1longnose butterfly
I'm not getting any shrimps because the white spot will eat them, I was going to get shrimp and not get the puffer but I would only get the shimps because they would get parasites but that is what the UV would do som I'm going with the puffer. Is this overstocking or understocking or just right, if its understocking I would like to get a lawn mower blenny or some sort of alagea eater but I have a feeling the Tang will take care of that. I am also adding that I'm not buying a quarantine tank becuase the store quarantines there fishes, I am going to get a hospital tank though for the emergencies which pop up.
Thanks for all the help you all have given me along the way